Sunday, 10 June 2012

Newest Souvenir!!!

This is the newest addition to awesome things that I've bought for myself ... Get ready to be jealous. The guy Linda and I bought our Batiques from (my cloth painting... theres pictures down below somewhere) came back to the house today with these carved coconuts. Linda had seen one he had last time but we didn't have the money for it. This time we didn't really have it either, but we wanted them so bad!!!

They're carved and finished little boxes that have all the continents on them. When he brought in two at first they looked the same and I was weary that they were just manufactured but then we looked at them and the one Linda brought compaired to mine is very different and they're both very unique. They're so well done!!! This is my new favourite thing I've bought so far. At this rate no one's getting souvenirs but me lmaooo

(and maybe my cousin's friend Chris... Still searching for Kony for his autograph but have had no luck yet)

This is the side with Canada ....

There's the side with Africa.....

That's how it opens ...

And that's how I found Mickey when I left it in my room... he has a new home. Lmaooo


  1. That is a very slick souvenir! Though Mickey looks as though he fell into a toilet while doing the deed.....he seems happy though ;-P

    When you return, your mom is in some serious need of Adobe Acrobat training - perhaps you could help her. On a positive note, she has lost her voice, which has been pleasant. The bad news is that she's slowly getting it back!

  2. i thought it was pretty cool :) hahaha and my mom ALSO needs to send me a microsoft office key so i can actually do work on my computer.... shes slacking on things majorly lol

  3. What version of office? If its 2007, I can help. If you're really stuck, google Open Office. Its a free program that is very similar to MS Office and it will open any Office file. The download won't take too long!

    1. it is in fact 2007 :) we have word processor but i cant open a ton of files any more because they're .docx and i'd like to be able to edit my work reports :P
