Sunday, 24 June 2012

Going to the Club

Me and the boys decided to go to a club on Saturday night to go dancing and we had a BLAST! It's called 4 Star and we all hung out at the house for a bit before then took off there for the night. I had thought we danced for about an hour but when I looked at my phone it was 4 in the morning... Danced  solid for at least 3 and a half hours!!! I'm definitely feeling the soreness today :P. The guys protected me from all the creeps too which was nice - especially Michael. I love these guys! :)

Me and Michael - He's a sweetheart ... He always keeps me and Linda safe!

Michael and Robert in their club clothes :P

Robert, Nassoro and Said (who randomly turned the wrong way...) before we left

Robert and Said... He realized where the camera was :)


Me and Nassa... my "husband" is the running joke


  1. Somebody better tone it down!!! Matt and I are getting jealous!!!

    1. LOL but it was soo much funnnnn!!! :P we might go again this weekend hahaha it was a blast.. we were there until 4:30 in the morning XD
