Monday, 4 June 2012

I'm very disappointed in Canada...

You all apparently whine when I don't put something every day but you don't give me questions for my Q&A blog post... tisk tisk tisk!!! :P

My mommabear said a lot of people don't want to make accounts so just facebook me or tell my mom. NOT too difficult.

All i did today was work (on my day off...) so I have nothing fun to put on here, but tomorrow we're doing a clean up for World Environment Day at Mgulasi so I'll have fun pictures.

Do me a favour... COOPERATE and tell me what you want posted. :)


  1. Alright Miss want questions - I'm sicking my little childrens crazy minds loose on you...

    Luca would like to know what the coolest bug is that you've seen? He'd also like you to post a photo of the baboons when you make it that high on the mountain (your mom told me you were planning on going back!) :)

    Dante wants to know if you've seen any big spiders...and if so, how big were they?

    Daria is wondering what your favourite animal is that you've seen since you've been there?

    So there - I'll see what else I can drum up for you :)

    I'm still very jealous...thank you for posting all of the photos - I can't wait to see more!

    Kate Aversa (and Daria, Dante and Luca too!)

    1. Yay! lol you can sick the kids on me for questions whenever you want... I'll make a blog post for them and try to get pictures of the giant spiders living in our house :P

  2. Hey - I'm still waiting of a picture of your mom....perhaps on the safari!
