Wednesday, 13 June 2012

More Bamba Pictures

Today Me and Franki went to Bamba and taught about HIV.. Most of the lesson was kinda for the participants to self -teach themselves that material because they've had sessions on HIV before so it was a pretty easy day. Tomorrow we are going back and reviewing all the topics we've done so far with them (Malaria, TB, and HIV) so it should be pretty fun. I'm much more focused on our safari on the weekend t be honest, so I've just planned a lot of games for the next few classes I'm teaching since it's easy and fun and makes the time go by faster! :P Before our class started a lot of the kids were on their lunch break so they stood outside the room and sung us the Tanzania national anthem, a song about Africa and i think their school song. It was really cute and I have videos but they wont load on this computer for some reason....sorry guys :P. 

Today also marks the half way point for our trip. We've been here for 4 weeks and only have 4 more to go. When I first got here it felt like this was going to be a really long two months, but I've fallen in love with this culture and this country and the only reason I'm coming home is because I have to go find a job and I miss my family lmao. If i could bring everyone here I would never leave!! It's so much more relaxing and its beautiful here. Every day is a new adventure and I don't think I can ever remember a time when I enjoyed my days as much as I do here. Time is flying and I feel like we've accomplished so much but not done anything at all... so strange. It's truly paradise here and I feel completely removed from all the "bullshit". I want this life forever!!

Franki and Norbert ... Loving the Casualties shirt, especially since he had no idea it was a punk band and just liked the "live free" at the bottom lmao.


More swagger.

This is my view on the ride to Bamba. We go a little bit around to the other side of these mountains.

This is one of my favourite spots on our drive. There's a whole section of huge palm trees like this and with the clouds its mesmerizing. 

Some of the kids that were singing to us.

They multiply... i think there was about 40 of them outside :P

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