Sunday, 8 July 2012

A Well Deserved Beach Day

I spent my day on a beach on the east coast of Zanzibar called Jambiani and it was absolutely gorgeous. It's much less busy than the north, where almost all the tourists go, and the beach was pretty much deserted besides locals and a mzungu here and there. On the way we seen some red monkeys at the side of the road which was really cool. When we got there the tide was going out so we hung out in the sun for a while then walked through the sand bars. We seen all kinds of little creatures in the pools that were left over - TONS of star fish, a little green fish with a giant tail that looked like a cross between a puffer fish and a frog, sea urchins, hermit crabs, and of course little minnows. The water is an amazing turquoise colour from all the life keeping it clean and it's super clear. The sand is really fine and we had a lot of fun walking into the deeper part of it an swimming. The Indian Ocean is by far the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Some mamas on the beach did some henna on my hand while we watched the tide come in around 3 in the afternoon and then we finished off the night with some pizza and beer - my stomach is cringing but it was well worth it. While we ate we watched all the people starting to wind surf and para-sail since the tide was back in. I fully intend on coming back and spending a week just in that spot doing absolutely nothing but drink and eat seafood.


Picture at the water level... you can barely even tell there is water it's that clear

Heather doing some exploring with me as the tide was going out

These dam star fish were EVERYWHERE and you cant help but step on them and they stab your feet! uugghh!!

This is a test.... if you can find the fish in this picture then you win !!! I promise you there IS actually a fish here :P

Me getting my henna done by some mamas on the beach as we watched the tide coming back in.. it's so beautiful to stay there all day and see both worlds.

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