Wednesday, 30 May 2012

My First Class in Bamba

I had my first class in Bamba this morning while you were all sleeping and it went really well!! We played a little ball-toss game to learn everyone's names which was funny since everyone is an adult and some of them are elders of the community. It was just something silly to break the ice a bit. We talked about what malaria is, the cycle in the body and how it grows in mosquitoes, and some of the symptoms. Everyone asked great questions and they were extremely grateful to have the knowledge. Bamba's definitely my favourite class because out of all the programs we're doing the people here are so eager to learn and have the education come to them since for a lot of them it's very hard to go to the city for classes (not to say the other programs aren't great... I love everything :P) Franki is also a really good translator and he was my BIGGEST help today. He makes it really fun and he's a little ball of energy so he even makes me wake up more!!
I'm doing my next session on Malaria tomorrow and hopefully (fingers crossed) we're getting mosquito nets for the people in the village from the local hospital and some contacts that Mako came across.

Very good day!! :D

Everyone broke into groups to discuss what they already know about Malaria before I started teaching

Franki making everyone dance while we were on a break... Sooo funny... It was like that "hi my name is joe and I work in a button factory" song but in swahili and there was something about Ugali in it. :P

More dancing :P So funny... It actually made me really happy to see them all up and laughing since I didn't know how some of our games would go over with a class of adults. 

Me teaching :D Yay meeeeeee


  1. Speaking of dancing...I think its most appropriate if you were to put on your new clothing and dance in front of the camera, then post it on here. If you need some liquid encouragement, let me know and I'll get a 6 pack of Canada's finest out stat!!!

    1. i'm not dancing anywhere lmaoooo but i could use some canadian beer... the beer here is only like 4% and they think that's strong! :P
