Thursday, 24 May 2012

Girl's Club - First Meeting!!

Girls club went pretty well for the first time today. Sana took the lead so we didn’t do too much but it was a lot of fun. I helped her hold up some of her posters and she taught the girls about the difference between sex and gender. They were a little quiet at first but once the session got going they were very talkative and we got to laugh a lot. There were a few girls that had babies so Franki took them outside and it was ridiculously cute!! :P

The girls did an activity where they had to tell us words to write on chart paper that were things woman could only do because of their biology and then on another paper things that women “can’t do” because of social constrictions. Some of it got a little lost in translation but overall the girls enjoyed themselves and Sana did a really good job of getting them active. Next session tomorrow we’re going to teach them about debating and they will be having a debates next week on some of the things we discussed.

After we were finished Franki, Linda, Sana, Jenga and I all waited for our cab and Franki showed us his rap song that’s on the radio and it’s actually really good!! When I get it on my ipod I’m going to try to put it on facebook or something because I love it hahaha. They have music here called “bongo flava” that’s just rap in Swahili but the music itself is great!

We’ve had a good few days and I bought my first Kanga today so I’ll get a picture of it when I get it tailored and can wear it J It’s got pretty birds on it!! Loll
Lots of meetings tomorrow morning then girls club, and after HBC on the weekend it’s shopping time!! :D

 Franki holding one of the babies... so so so cute hahaha he's an awesome babysitter!!
Some of the girls club girls doing their assignment

More girls club girls... they did a really good job!

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