Monday, 30 April 2012

N-A-S-T-Y drink

I had to take my first dose of Dukorol this morning to make sure my stomache is coated before I start drinking the water in Africa... The instructions say "mix powder in 150 ml of water, shake vial with vaccine well, add vial to powder, stir well, drink" . This sounds easy.... it's a LIE!!

I took the little bag of powder out and poured it in and it looked like a science experiment... It fizzes and bubbles and it looks disgusting. I poured the vial in and as i sturred it fizzed even more.

Took a big gulp = the worst taste you can ever imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And next week I have to take another dose

I just made this post to complain... Of all the medicines I've ever had to take, I now much prefer the needle format.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Its Friday and I've yet to receive a battery status report.
